Diving into History for an adventure in discovery
Treasures of the Jupiter Shipwreck
to a 21st century undersea exploration
A Spanish Galleon Shipwreck; known as San Miguel and the Jupiter Wreck off Jupiter, Florida's Treasure Coast - U.S.A. Some call it treasure diving. This is a 1660 ship wreck Jupiter Coins is presently recovering on Florida's treasure coast. Sunken treasure- artifacts and treasure coin jewelry from the Jupiter Ship Wreck can be both viewed and purchased.
Historic Shipwreck Recovery
San Miguel and the Jupiter Shipwreck

Jupiter Coins is the Marketing Company founded by Yvonne & Captain Dominic A. Addario the Original Federal Substitute Custodian and one of the Primary Original Founders & Stockholders of Jupiter Wreck Inc. Captain Dominic Addario heads our operations and expeditions. Its purpose is to raise funds for continue operations for the expedition, and to market his original intellectual properties and its share of artifacts. Read more. . .

The evolution of our ocean waters continue to uncover past ancient remnants of our historic maritime origins. The mysteries of sunken ships and buried treasure, fascinate and capture the imagination. If it wasn't for private companies such as Jupiter Coins, shipwrecks like the San Miguel Archangel may be obscured and lost in time. Centuries of maritime travel and of its origins and reasons for meeting up with its end, would most certainly never be discovered. It has been our passion to uncover the mysteries of this one wreck, to educate the public and give the people a chance to look, touch, experience and even own a piece of history. History that may have been lost forever. Captain Dominic Addario principle of Jupiter Wreck Inc., who has actively been working on the wreck site since 1987. It is his intention to keep the age of discovery alive.

History of the San Miguel Archangel
Early in 1660... A Hapsburg King's messenger ship laden with Spanish colonial treasures from the new world was lost in time, upon Florida's shore at a place, now called Jupiter by the sea. Captain Dominic A. Addario and the intrepid undersea explorers of Jupiter Wreck Inc. are searching for the mother lode of this, hither to, vessel, having met with its end upon our shores. Read more. . ."The concept of "treasure" can capture the imagination and interest of almost anyone. At that unique moment you can teach them something... therein lay the true value of treasure."
- Dominic Addario / Captain